The JUSTICE60 Thank you for joining this exclusive group of visionary supporters, committed to transforming the justice system in the UK. Your generous contribution brings us closer to our target of £2 million and will help secure the future of our work for years to come. Select one-off or recurring gift, your donation amount and frequency. Gift Information 1 Gift Details 2 Personal Information 3 Gift Info Gift Type One-Time Recurring Gift Amount £18,000Single Donation£6,000Single annual donation£6,000Three annual donations£3,000Six biannual donations£1,500Twelve quarterly donations£500Thirty-six monthly donations How would you like to direct your donation? * Starting * Your first payment will be taken today, unless you specify a start date. Frequency Monthly donation Quarterly donation Semi-Annually Annual donation Continue my support Until I cancel itFor a limited time Ending * Gift Details Post a letter on my behalf (to) Full Name * First Name Surname * Phone Email Gift Aid: I am a UK taxpayer, and wish JUSTICE to claim Gift Aid on this donation on all donations I have made in the last four years and any future donations I make. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that if I pay less income tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give or have given in the last four tax years. What is Gift Aid? Personal Info Pay by Credit Card Pay via Direct Debit Back Continue Complete Payment Cancel Payment